Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The word BALLET comes from the French, derive from, Italian ballet or ballo, mean dance. Ballet is a type of performative dance. It can be dated to sixteenth- and seventeenth- century in French, and which later was further developed in England, Italy, and Russia as a concert dance form. Ballet composed of highly technical form of dancewith its own French vocabulary. It is usually performed with the accompaniment of classical music. Nowadays, it has been influential as a form of dance globally and is taught in ballet school around the world. Ballet dance works are choreographed (composed of a sequence of dance steps), and also include mime, acting, and are set to music. Today ballet is seen in many different forms. One sees modern ballets choreographed to very modern music, but many still prefer the traditional type of footwork in ballets like “Swan Lake.” Ballet interprets music through a variety of accepted movements.

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